Attention & Learning

Current Research Projects

  • Sleep & Memory in Children

    This program of research investigates the role of sleep in benefitting learning and memory in children. So far projects have looked at the benefit of sleep for emotional images, words and sentences, as well as explore the underlying neurophysiology of these interactions. Future work is aimed at more naturalistic settings and real-world learning.

    Mark Kohler
    Amanda Santamaria

    For associated publication see here

    Contact Mark for more information.

  • Nature-based Learning, Resilience, and Internalising Symptoms

    This survey-based project investigates the relationship between nature-based learning and resilience, as predictors of academic performance and wellbeing in South Australian primary school children.

    Angela Osborn
    Mark Kohler
    Andrew Morris
    Jarrah Seager

    Contact Angela for more information.

  • Fractals in Nature and Attention

    The correlation between engaging with natural environments and attention restoration is well documented. The mechanisms that trigger this restoration has received less attention. This experimental study examines the role that fractal dimensions in visual images play in attention restoration.

    Andrew Morris
    Mark Kohler
    Daniel Sturman
    Tobias Loetscher

    Contact Andrew for more information.